Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Writing Tips Every Writer Should Know

Writing is an art form, but contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a literary maestro to create impactful pieces. Whether you're a blogger or a copywriter who prioritizes SEO, nailing the fundamentals can make all the difference. Here are a few writing tips that will put you well on your way to writing success.

Stick to Active Voice

Here's a little-known tip that can change how readers emotionally connect to your piece. It's something that seasoned writers and even an AI article generator will use.

When you use active voice, you quickly clarify who is taking action in your sentence. Here's an example:

"John will be happy once his homework is finished."

That's an example of passive voice. It's less conversational and has less emphasis on the subject. A better way to write that sentence in active voice would be:

"John will be happy once he finishes his homework."

Keep Things Simple

Every writer has a list of $10 words they like to use in their pieces. However, it's wise to use those sparingly.

When you want to connect to readers, simplicity is best. The goal is to have a conversational tone with natural language. Complex verbiage muddies the works. The same goes for lengthy sentences.

A good rule of thumb is to contain one thought in a single sentence and one paragraph for a single topic.

Avoid Huge Walls of Text

Another thing you'll notice when using an AI article generator is that paragraphs are short and sweet. In some cases, you may see a section with a single sentence or even a single word!

That's because blocks of text make reading difficult. It looks intimidating, and many readers avoid pieces that lack white space.

Space things out and prioritize readability.

Write Every Day

Our final tip is an easy one!

If you're serious about improving your skills and improving as a writer, you need to create pieces every day. The only way to improve is through experience.

Implement these tips slowly and continue to learn more. Instead of throwing everything at the page at one time, try making changes slowly. That way, you absorb what you learn, and improvements stick.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about content generation and AI copywriting tools. You can find her thoughts at AI content generation blog.

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