Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Is Protein Powder Vegan?

Millions of people use protein powder to take workouts to the next level. It's become such a mainstay in the health and fitness world that many view these shakes as an essential part of their daily routine! But have you ever thought about what's in protein powder? Fuel your active lifestyle with plant protein powder! Click now to visit this website and unlock the power of natural, sustainable nutrition.

If you follow a vegan lifestyle, you must be extra vigilant about choosing the right type of protein powder. Vegan plant protein powder does exist, but not all products you see on the market are vegan-friendly.

Whey and Casein

So you read the nutritional label of your favorite protein powder and see whey and casein. These popular ingredients are in many products. Unfortunately, they're not vegan.

Whey and casein come from cow's milk. Whey makes up about 20 percent of milk protein. Meanwhile, casein makes up 80 percent. These ingredients are a solid choice for protein powders. But if you don't eat animal byproducts, you must avoid whey- and casein-based protein powders.

Other Non-Vegan Ingredients

The milk byproducts aren't the only non-vegan elements to look for while you buy protein powder.

Some products contain powdered beef. It sounds non-palatable, but many brands cover the taste by introducing flavors like blueberry.

You may also encounter egg protein. It comes from egg whites that are heat-treated and dehydrated.

What's the Alternative?

If you're vegan or vegetarian, your best bet is to use plant protein powder. When many people think of protein, they picture meat. But there are plenty of other great sources of this essential macronutrient.

Plant-based formulas use high-quality ingredients and zero animal byproducts. As a vegan, you're likely already familiar with some of the elements you see on the label!

One of the most popular vegan protein alternatives is soy. Soy is a land-efficient and sustainable crop. It's packed with protein and can provide the same great results as animal derivatives.

Other protein ingredients you might see include pea protein, hemp or even brown rice. Plenty of options are on the market, and you don't have to sacrifice your health or commitments to take advantage of protein powder.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about healthier lifestyle products and tips. She advises people about online weight loss programs, natural and organic health solutions. You can find her thoughts at immunity supplements blog.

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