Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Best Times to Shower to Avoid High Water Bills

If you're struggling to keep up with rising water bills, help is available. But in addition to getting water bill payment assistance, you can make small changes to reduce your consumption.

How Long Should You Shower?

Time flies when you're relaxing in warm water, but the longer you spend showering, the higher your water bill will be. The average showerhead uses about 2.5 gallons of water per minute. So a short ten-minute shower uses up a whopping 25 gallons!

Limiting showers to five to ten minutes is the best way to reduce your water bill. That can take some adjusting, but you can realistically cut back to five minutes without sacrificing your cleaning routine.

Timing is Everything

When you need water bill payment assistance, how long you spend in the shower is usually the point of contention. But have you considered how your shower time affects other bills? A warm shower requires you to run the water heater, which could result in a higher electricity or gas bill.

If you have an electric water heater, the best time to shower is at night. Electricity costs tend to be lower. From 10:00 at night to 5:00 in the morning are non-peak hours. As a result, the price to run electronics reflects demand. Don't let high water bills get in the way of your daily life. Take control today by visiting this website for water bill payment assistance and never worry about access to clean water again.

Other Ways You Can Save

Timing your showers isn't the only way to avoid high water bills.

Consider investing in an efficient showerhead. Water-saving showerheads use no more than 2 gallons per minute. Some go as low as 1.5 gallons a minute. That change might not seem like much, but it adds up.

Don't worry: You won't sacrifice shower quality. Most water-saving designs use aeration techniques to maximise coverage, resulting in a negligible difference in the shower experience.

Another tip is to shower less frequently. Before you start imagining how gross that would be, most dermatologists agree that daily showers can be detrimental to your skin and scalp health. It strips your skin of essential oils. Unless you're physically active and get sweaty every day, there's no need to shower more than a few times per week.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about cash advances, overdraft protection & finance apps. You can find her thoughts at cash advance blog.

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