Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Tips to Get Your Tax Business More Crypto Clients

Crypto continues to be one of the hottest investments, and everyone from celebrities to the average Joe can potentially make a fortune trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. The current tax status of crypto investments, however, remains murky as governments try to codify how crypto should be treated. For tax professionals who provide help for crypto investors, now is the perfect time to advertise your expertise as many crypto investors need your services to make sense of the current tax situation.

If you're looking for ways to attract more crypto clients to your tax business, below are three simple strategies:

Use Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing involves things like creating digital content and utilizing SEO techniques to position your tax business higher in search results for keywords related to crypto investing. Creating content that utilizes the right keywords can attract new business from crypto investors who are already searching for tax help on the web.

Use Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is similar to inbound marketing in that it helps to place your business in front of your target audience. The difference is that paid advertising involves a fee for each ad placement or click, but this strategy can yield results quickly in a short period of time. Inbound marketing is more of a long-term strategy.

To effectively put together a paid advertising campaign, you can work with a marketing agency, but you can also use a crypto tax platform for professionals. This type of platform may be able to help you determine the right demographics to target in a paid advertising campaign.

Network on Social Media

Tax professionals who are seeking more crypto business can also rely on social media for networking opportunities. Once again, a crypto tax platform for professionals can come in handy here as this type of platform can help you manage your outreach and track progress in most cases. As you form new networking connections with potential clients, you can use your tax platform to see which leads need more nurturing and which leads have gone cold.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about portfolio management, finance tracking and Consumer SaaS services. You can find her thoughts at crypto tax guide blog.

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