Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Tips to Help With Car Sickness

Do you suffer from car sickness? Those feelings of nausea and dizziness are all a product of motion sickness. Many people experience this issue when they get into the passenger seat of a car. However, it can also affect you whenever you get on a boat or airplane.

Motion sickness occurs when the movement you see out the car window differs from what your inner ear experiences. That contradictory information is like an assault on your senses.

Fortunately, there are many ways to address it.

Use Motion Sickness Medications

Over-the-counter motion sickness products can do wonders to help you overcome car sickness. Whether you get anti-nausea drops or traditional tablets, these products block signals from the vestibular system where your inner ear lies. It prevents discrepancies between what you see and what your inner ear senses.

Take anti-nausea drops before you get in the car. Whatever product you use, make sure to read its instructions and warnings. Some medications can cause drowsiness, so never get behind the wheel.

Focus on the Horizon

Another great tip is to stare at the horizon when you feel unwell. This works because it forces you to see the motion of the vehicle. It prevents that sensory mismatch, aligning your vision with your inner ear to resolve car sickness.

Stay Hydrated

If you're prone to car sickness, keep a water bottle on you. Staying hydrated can help you avoid nausea that comes with motion sickness. It may settle your stomach and prevent discomfort.

The same principle applies to lozenges. Sucking on a lozenge can settle the stomach and increase salivation. If you choose candy with ginger or licorice, you can use natural ingredients known to combat nausea.

Use Distractions

Try to keep yourself busy whenever you ride in a car. You can use headphones to listen to music, fiddle on your phone or play games with other people in the car. Distractions can help you lose focus of the car's motion. Combine this tip with some of the others above, and you'll arrive at your destination feeling great.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about healthier lifestyle products and tips. She advises people about online weight loss programs, natural and organic health solutions. You can find her thoughts at body products blog.

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