Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


Should I Lend Money to My Friends?

Helping out a friend in need is one of life's purest joys. Everyone knows what it's like to hit rough spots when it comes to finances, and it can make you feel good inside to be able to lend money to a friend when financial challenges arise. Even though lending money to friends is common across the world, it can come along with some pitfalls if you aren't careful.

When Friends Can't Pay You Back

One of the more challenging aspects of lending money to friends is the issue of repayment problems. When you lend a friend some money, you probably don't structure the repayment terms with a strict contract like a bank would do with a loan. Instead, your arrangement is likely more casual. This, unfortunately, is where things can get problematic.

If your friend doesn't feel any urgency in paying back the money that you lent to them, you may find that they may take longer than expected to repay the loan. These types of situations can make it awkward to hang around with a friend, especially if you watch them spend money before you've been repaid. You may begin to feel some slight resentment against your friend, and they may feel awkward also. This can cause a rift in the friendship that may not even be solved after the money has been repaid.

A Potentially Better Solution

If it's feasible, consider giving money to friends in need instead of loaning money. This may not always be possible, especially when you're dealing with large sums of money, but offering the money as a gift removes the pressure to repay the funds. Your friendship will likely end up in a better place as a result, and your friend won't feel as awkward about hanging around you.

You're encouraged to be careful with this approach so that you don't turn into your friend's piggy bank. You don't want to give the impression that you're always available to just give money away, but if you can swing it, it's often better to gift money to friends rather than loan it to them.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about sending payment reminders, track payments, take care of legal docs and more. You can find her thoughts at lending money blog.

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