Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


3 Ways to Combat Fatigue

Fatigue is a medical condition that can best be classified as feeling drained of all energy. People who experience fatigue may feel physically run down, but they can also experience mental fog and a lack of clarity. There is a wide range of medical conditions that can cause fatigue, including polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD), depression and anxiety.

If you've been dealing with fatigue, you should always consult with your doctor to find solutions for your specific healthcare needs. There are, however, some common ways that most experts recommend to combat fatigue, including:

1. Exercise

Although it may sound counterintuitive, getting active can help to fight fatigue. You can also benefit from exercise if you experience fatigue from PCOD. It may be difficult to find the motivation to get going, but exercise has the potential to get your body energized for a short period of time if you're suffering from fatigue.

2. Get Better Sleep

Getting a good night's rest is essential for remaining alert and energized throughout the day. If you don't get enough quality sleep, you're more likely to develop fatigue, and when you do, it's more likely to come on earlier in the day. Unfortunately, this can mean you go to bed earlier, wake up earlier and then begin suffering from an irregular sleep pattern. This can also make fatigue from PCOD more difficult to deal with on top of the other symptoms of this condition.

3. Keep a Healthy Diet

The foods you eat can have a big effect on the development of fatigue as well. Eating foods full of sugar, carbs and unhealthy fats may cause you to become fatigued more easily.

Instead, work with your doctor to find a diet plan that takes into account your current medical needs and your health goals. Get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables each day, and stay hydrated as well. Avoid alcohol, and even though it may be tempting, don't drink a ton of caffeine in an attempt to give yourself energy. This will ultimately backfire and make you feel even more fatigued.

Disclaimer: The above is intended to provide information only. Speak with your primary care physician to discuss steps you can take to limit fatigue.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified PCOS specialist. She advises people on personalized women's healthcare and skin treatment at home. You can find her thoughts at PCOS treatment blog.

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