Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


What are Nuisance Alerts in the Oil and Gas Industry?

Connected technology has helped companies in the oil and gas industry achieve greater efficiency, but in some cases, all of this technology has actually caused a drop in productivity. One of the most common culprits in productivity loss is the onslaught of notifications and alerts oil and gas professionals receive on an hourly basis. Connected systems can send out automated alerts 24 hours a day, and with so many alerts going off, you can quickly develop alert fatigue. What is alert fatigue? Visit this website to know more.

What is Alert Fatigue?

Alert fatigue occurs when you've become so inundated with alerts and notifications throughout the day that you stop paying attention to them. What is alert fatigue doing to productivity? Alert fatigue due to nuisance alerts is dragging productivity down as more and more people begin tuning out notifications. This leads to actual issues going unaddressed promptly.

Alert fatigue from nuisance alerts can also be a safety hazard. This is especially true in the oil and gas industry where workers and systems deal with potentially hazardous and flammable chemicals all day. If workers begin to ignore notifications after being bombarded with nuisance alerts, actual issues that need to be addressed can lead to calamity.

How to Combat Nuisance Alerts and Alert Fatigue

Thankfully, professionals in the oil and gas industry can combat the effects of nuisance alerts and alert fatigue by taking proactive steps to adjust notification settings. Review your alert systems to see which alerts are set to be sent. You may be able to manually adjust settings to only have specific alerts sent at certain times.

Additionally, check your system settings to see who is set to receive which alerts. You may discover that alerts are being sent to large groups when they should only be sent to certain individuals. Lastly, your company can employ smart alert technology that utilizes advanced software to weed out false positives and nuisance alerts. This software may also be able to use geolocation systems to determine where an alert has been triggered to only notify workers in that area rather than sending out a mass notification.

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Emily Clarke is providing info about a single platform for your oil and gas software solutions. You can find her thoughts at oil trading software blog.

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