Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


3 Signs You May Have PCOD

Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) can affect women of all ages, but it tends to affect younger women the most. PCOD symptoms can range in severity, and for some women, PCOD symptoms can cause a reduction in quality of life. While only your doctor can diagnose you with PCOD, below are three signs you may be suffering from this condition:

1. Weight Gain

Weight gain is a common symptom of PCOD, but keeps in mind that weight gain can be caused by several other things. Women who suffer from PCOD experience weight gain due to an imbalance in hormones, and even when dieting and exercising, it can be more challenging to keep weight off for women with PCOD. If you're experiencing added weight as a result of PCOD, your doctor may be able to prescribe treatment options to help. Conquer PCOD symptoms and reclaim your well-being! Discover effective solutions for PCOD symptoms on this website.

2. Oily Skin

Overly oily skin is another symptom of PCOD that many women face when the condition flares up. Despite washing regularly, skin can become oily throughout the day due to the aforementioned hormonal imbalance. Unfortunately, this can lead to pimples and redness as well as dry, flaky skin. A dermatologist or your family physician may be able to prescribe medicated soap to assist in dealing with this uncomfortable side effect of PCOD.

3. Thinning Hair

Some women experience thinning hair with age, but women with PCOD are more likely to face this complication. As with the other symptoms on this list, hormones are typically to blame for thinning hair in women with PCOD. Men often experience baldness later in life due to changes in testosterone, and women with PCOD may experience a lack of estrogen that mimics an increase in testosterone. If thinning hair becomes a problem, your doctor may be able to prescribe medications to help and lifestyle changes to diet and exercise may also be beneficial.

Disclaimer: Speak with your doctor if you are concerned about the possibility of having PCOD. The above information is not meant to be taken as medical advice.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified PCOS specialist. She advises people on personalized women's healthcare and skin treatment at home. You can find her thoughts at PCOD symptoms blog.

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