Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


4 Ways to Lower Your Utility Bills

Are your energy bills looking a little higher than normal? Utility costs are getting more expensive for everyone. Fortunately, there are many ways to save, making your monthly bills more manageable.

Change Your Air Filters

Your air conditioning system and furnace typically contribute the most to your monthly energy bill. Making them as efficient as possible can make a difference. Try checking on your air filters.

Dirty filters negatively impact how those systems run. They have to work harder to get past the gunk in grimy filters. Replace your filters every 60 to 90 days. It will improve efficiency, and you'll breathe much easier without all that dust flowing through your home.

Unplug Always-On Devices

Many of the appliances you use are "energy vampires." That means they use electricity when you're not actively using them. Some of the worst offenders are game systems, coffee makers and charging cables. It might not seem like much, but having several vampires plugged in 24 hours adds up.

Consider unplugging them when not in use. Alternatively, you can plug them into a power strip you can switch off.

Switch to Cold Water

Most people run their washing machines with hot water. But running cold cycles can result in substantial savings. Cold water can do the job just as well, and many detergents work the same with cold or room-temperature water.

The change will strain your hot water heater less, making it run less and saving you tons of cash. Many folks who seek a cash advance for utility bills notice a big difference in their wallet after running the cold cycle.

Change How You Heat and Cool Your Home

Do you run your HVAC system when you're not at home? If so, you're flushing a lot of money down the drain. One simple change you can make is only running the AC or furnace when you're home. At the very least, you can change the temperature to ensure those systems run less frequently when you're not around.

Consider upgrading your thermostat. Many connected thermostats will use GPS to turn on and off as you leave or get close to home. You can also set them on a timer to match your schedule.

These tips can make managing rising utility costs more manageable. If you still need help, consider getting a cash advance for utility bills as you transition to more energy-friendly habits.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about cash advances, overdraft protection & finance apps. You can find her thoughts at overdraft protection blog.

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