Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How Often Should You Change Your HVAC System?

Your HVAC system plays an important role in your home's comfort. It keeps you cool during the summer, toasty in the winter and ensures your air is safe to breathe. While your HVAC system may seem reliable now, it won't be that way forever!

Like anything else in your home, the various components of your HVAC system will become less efficient with time. Eventually, things will break down and drain your wallet with repairs. So how often do you need to replace it? Here are a few signs that it's time to seek the best financing for HVAC contractors and invest in an upgrade.


The Department of Energy says replacing an HVAC system after ten years is the best practice. Systems can last longer. Getting 15 years or more out of a modern HVAC is not uncommon. But past the 10-year mark, many components will start to show their age. They'll become less efficient, costing more money to run.

Investing in a replacement every decade also ensures you're staying updated with HVAC innovations. That means upgrades to more energy-efficient components that save you money in the long run.

Frequent Repairs

Sometimes, you have to replace your HVAC system sooner than ten years. Paying for constant repairs is one of the biggest indicators that it's time for an upgrade. There are better ways to spend your money than calling an HVAC contractor every few months. Experts say that even annual repair jobs are too much.

Eventually, it gets to a point where you're spending more money to make repairs than it will cost you to replace the entire system. Instead of putting a bandage on a failing system, you can get the best financing for HVAC contractors and get a new system that performs much better.

Air Quality Issues

HVAC systems do more than heat and cool. They also filter air. Replacing air filters is a normal part of maintenance. But failing systems can do a poor job of cleaning the air in your home. Increased dust accumulation, awful smells and mold are all telltale signs that you need an upgrade.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about sales and business automation tools for construction companies and contractors. You can find her thoughts at customer financing tool blog.

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