Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


How Often Should You Go to the Eye Doctor?

Did you know that over 75 percent of adults in the United States wear corrective lenses? Eye problems are more common than most realize. While most people don't have major issues beyond a lack of 20/20 vision, seeing your eye doctor is important. Optometrists and ophthalmologists can help you spot potential issues. Whether the problem is as simple as needing corrective lenses to early signs of ocular conditions, eye doctors will help you achieve and maintain better eye health. But how often should you see them?

Annual Visits

Ideally, visiting your eye doctor at least once a year is the best way to approach ocular health. Your eyes will change throughout your life. Not only that, but certain lifestyle choices can accelerate or slow-down vision decline. For example, smoking and medical issues like diabetes can worsen your vision. Meanwhile, taking a supplement for eye health could promote better vision, helping you maintain your eyes for the long haul.

Whatever the case, eye doctors will test your eyes and recommend a course of action based on your needs. They may recommend eyeglasses or develop a care plan for more pressing issues.

Typically, eye doctors will do one of two exams. Both are equally important and should occur at least once a year.

The first is a routine eye exam. This is the visit that most people are familiar with. During a routine exam, your optometrist will check your vision and determine what prescription you need to see as clearly as possible.

The second option is a comprehensive exam. During a comprehensive exam, doctors go beyond vision. They analyze the health of your eye and look for any abnormalities that require attention. If your eyes are generally healthy, they might recommend you take a supplement for eye health. But if they find issues like early signs of glaucoma or cataracts, they may recommend a more extensive form of treatment.

Eye doctors often find issues early, allowing you to take action and preserve your vision. But they can only do that if you go in for yearly exams!

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Alester Brown writes about healthier lifestyle products and tips. She advises people about online weight loss programs, natural and organic health solutions. You can find her thoughts at immunity supplements blog.

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