Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Why Your Company Should Have Fleet Insurance

Managing a fleet of vehicles is a big responsibility. Fleet management requires attention to detail and the ability to juggle several requests at the same time. To properly manage a fleet, it's vital to ensure that you have fleet insurance in place to protect company vehicles and drivers in the event of an accident. You also need to review your fleet insurance coverages often to ensure your policy continues to meet the needs of your vehicles as your fleet grows.

What is Fleet Insurance?

You probably already know about regular car insurance for commuter vehicles, but what is fleet insurance, and why is fleet insurance important? Fleet insurance is an insurance policy that covers all the vehicles in your company's fleet under one policy. This can make it easier to manage your insurance needs as opposed to keeping up with separate policies for each vehicle. Do you want to know, what is fleet insurance? Visit this website.

Fleet insurance is important because accidents happen, and you're more likely to have a company vehicle involved in an accident the more vehicles your company uses in its fleet. This simply comes down to statistics as the more vehicles you have on the road, the higher your chances are for an accident. Fleet insurance may provide a blanket policy that applies equally to all vehicles, but your policy may also dictate specific coverages for different types of vehicles in your fleet.

Does Fleet Insurance Come With a Per-Vehicle Cost?

Fleet insurance costs vary based on the provider, state laws and the needs of your business. In some cases, you pay a set fee to cover all vehicles listed on your policy. In others, you may have a set amount that gets paid for a certain number of vehicles.

If you add vehicles beyond the number listed on your policy, your fleet insurance provider may charge an added amount per vehicle. To learn more about what you can expect to pay, you will need to speak with your policy manager or a fleet insurance provider in your state.

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Jeson Clarke is providing info about single platform for your hotshot, scheduled, daily route, and freight deliveries. You can find his thoughts at last mile freight solutions blog.

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