Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


6 Best Math Jokes to Put on a Shirt

Are you looking for ways to inspire young learners? Whether you're a teacher or a parent, one of the best ways to get kids to love math is through jokes! Math is a notoriously hated subject, so you often must go to great lengths to get students to care about it.

Custom math t shirt printing is a unique way to infuse fun into math class. Wear a new shirt every day or order shirts for the entire class. Either way, here are some fun jokes worth wearing.

Why is Six Afraid of Seven?

Because seven eight nine!

This joke is a classic. While older kids may not find it too funny, youngsters love it. Have the signature phrases on opposite sides of your shirt, and you'll get a good laugh.

What Did the Triangle Say to the Circle?

You're pointless!

A simple joke that makes you go, "Aha!" Putting this joke on a shirt can help young learners as you teach them basic geometry.

Why Did the Obtuse Angle Go to the Beach?

Because it was over 90 degrees!

Another great geometry-based question, this joke serves two purposes. It's funny and can be a great memory tool for learning angles.

What Do You Get When You Take the Sun and Divide its Circumference By its Diameter?

Pi in the sky!

Here's a joke that can get a chuckle out of older students learning algebra. Not only is it funny, but it serves as an easy reminder to get the value of Pi.

You Know What Seems Odd to Me?

Numbers that can't be divided by two!

Simple yet unexpected! Using this joke for math t shirt printing will get a laugh out of youngsters learning the difference between odd and even numbers.

Why Didn't the Quarter Roll Down the Hill with the Nickel?

Because it had more "cents!"

You can use this joke during your math lessons involving currency. It reminds students of the differing values between a quarter and a nickel while putting a smile on their face.

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Jeson Clarke advises people about fashion, clothing and online custom t-shirt printing services. You can find his thoughts at t-shirt design blog.

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