Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What is Glycomet Used For?

Diabetes is a medical condition that affects millions of American men and women, and managing diabetes is important as the condition can be fatal in severe cases. For some, simple changes to diet and exercise may be enough to reverse diabetes. For others, however, a Glycomet medication prescription may be necessary.

Glycomet is a brand-name, prescription-only medication that contains metformin, a generic diabetes drug. A Glycomet medication prescription may also be ordered by your doctor to help treat the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is a condition that affects women and can cause symptoms similar to those of diabetes.

How Does Glycomet Work to Help Diabetics?

Glycomet works by interrupting glucose production that takes place in the liver. Blood glucose plays a large role in the development of diabetes. In someone who is diabetic, insulin secreted by the pancreas does not get processed correctly or not enough insulin is produced. This allows high levels of blood glucose to ultimately damage organs and the nervous system.

Glycomet also increases insulin sensitivity, allowing the body of a diabetic to do more with less. The intestines absorb glucose as food is processed, and Glycomet delays this absorption, potentially slowing the rise in blood glucose that can be dangerous to diabetics.

How Does Glycomet Help Women With PCOS?

Women with PCOS often experience weight gain and have a hard time processing sugary foods. Even with regular exercise, the hormonal changes that take place as a result of PCOS can make it difficult to keep symptoms under control. When Glycomet is used to treat PCOS, the body produces and absorbs less glucose, and this can help to combat the diabetes-like symptoms of PCOS.

In addition to controlling blood glucose levels, Glycomet may also help women with PCOS lose weight. Although Glycomet is not a weight-loss medication, it may be prescribed off-label for this purpose. Women who are prescribed Glycomet for off-label usage will want to talk with their insurance providers to determine whether benefits cover Glycomet in this capacity.

Disclaimer: The above is intended for educational purposes only. Talk to your doctor before starting or stopping any medication.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified PCOS specialist. She advises people on personalized women's healthcare and skin treatment at home. You can find her thoughts at PCOS treatment blog.

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