Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


What is Fraxel Treatment?

You have many options if you want to get a more youthful appearance and tackle the signs of aging. However, one of the more popular treatments available is Fraxel. Fraxel treatment in San Francisco is a non-ablative rejuvenation technique that utilizes lasers. Unlike more invasive procedures, Fraxel addresses underlying skin tissue.

As a result, it's non-invasive and doesn't require cutting, needles or substantial downtime. Fraxel can rejuvenate your skin to help you achieve a younger look without dramatic changes.

How It Works

Fraxel lasers target aging and sun-damaged skin. It works by penetrating deep into your skin. Microscopic laser columns are precise, heating underlying tissue layers to encourage your body's natural collagen production cycle. It stimulates your skin tissue, helping you develop healthy skin cells from the inside out.

Because Fraxel lasers are so precise, your dermatologist can target specific issues while leaving surrounding tissue intact. This approach promotes rapid healing. The result? You get younger-looking skin without extended downtime. Furthermore, Fraxel treatment in San Francisco can provide visible results in just one session.

What Types of Issues Does Fraxel Treatment Address?

The beauty of Fraxel is its versatility. Other treatment options may target one or two signs of aging. But with Fraxel, you can treat it all!

Fraxel is effective on fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, hyperpigmentation, sun damage and actinic keratosis. While individual results can vary, most people experience noticeable improvements after one session. Some targeted issues may require multiple treatments, but that's what makes Fraxel so great. It doesn't provide dramatic changes, so you still look like you. However, you gain a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

Is Fraxel Painful?

Generally, most people don't consider Fraxel to be painful. Of course, pain is subjective. But the sensation is akin to feeling heat.

Providers take many precautions to ensure Fraxel treatment is as comfortable as possible. That might include the application of topical anesthesia. Some feel increased heat as the laser works. However, Fraxel lasers apply cold air during treatment to manage the sensation. After the procedure, you may feel something similar to having sunburn, but the feeling diminishes after a few hours.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about dermatology and Mohs Surgery. She advises people on the highest quality of exceptional medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic care. You can find her thoughts at cosmetic treatments blog.

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