Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


3 Reasons to Get Mohs Reconstructive Surgery

Mohs reconstructive surgery is a common treatment for skin cancer. The goal is to remove the cancerous tissue while keeping healthy skin around it intact. Your dermatologist may recommend it if you have a cancerous mole or growth. It's an effective way to treat the issue while avoiding more invasive alternatives. But what is Mohs reconstructive surgery, and why should you consider it?

What is Mohs Reconstructive Surgery?

This procedure, also known as Mohs microscopic surgery, involves removing thin layers of skin. After providing local anesthetic, your dermatologist will use a scalpel to remove the visible cancerous growths. Then, they'll remove the tissue around it.

Cancer can spread and be undetectable to the naked eye. Removing the surrounding tissue allows dermatologists to analyze its spread. During the procedure, your surgeon will map the area to track their progress. The tissue goes to a lab for analysis. If the surrounding tissue has more cancer, the procedure will continue.

Your dermatologist will take more tissue and repeat the process until they take samples that come back cancer-free.

Why Get Mohs Reconstructive Surgery

There are several reasons why your dermatologist may recommend this surgery. There are many ways to treat skin cancer, but this procedure is useful in specific situations.

A High Risk of Return

The most common reason to get Mohs reconstructive surgery is to prevent cancer from returning. Even after removing cancerous growths, problems can persist. Cancer cells in the surrounding tissue can cause tumors to reappear as the disease spreads.

An Alternative to Other Treatments

Mohs reconstructive surgery is often the best choice to treat skin cancer. When the cancer is localized, you can physically remove it to prevent its spread. This is especially true when caught early. Dermatologists can remove the disease entirely, helping you avoid more taxing treatment options.

Stopping Cancer in Its Tracks

Finally, dermatologists often recommend this surgery when you have fast-growing cancer or have growths of significant size. Cancerous tumors are the source, but the disease can spread quickly. Mohs reconstructive surgery is an effective way to stop it while keeping as much tissue healthy as possible.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about dermatology and Mohs Surgery. She advises people on the highest quality of exceptional medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic care. You can find her thoughts at reconstructive surgery blog.

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