Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Understanding What Spider Veins on Your Face Are

Spider veins are a common issue that affects millions. While they're usually harmless, these veins can be a cosmetic issue. The veins often occur around the nose and eyes, creating red patches that don't go away. Reclaim beautiful legs today! Explore cutting-edge spider veins treatment in the Bay Area - click to visit this website and rediscover confidence!

Fortunately, you can get spider veins treatment in Bay Area cosmetic surgery clinics. But is treatment even necessary?

What are Spider Veins?

The medical term for spider veins on the face is telangiectasias. Telangiectasias occurs when small blood vessels stay open. They're damaged, causing them to maintain a locked open position. This damage results in noticeable discoloration, often appearing as clusters of red, blue or purple spidery veins. Because those vessels are just under the skin's surface, they can be quite noticeable.

When you apply pressure to the veins, their blood might rush out. This results in the veins and surrounding skin turning white. But that color change is temporary, reverting to the red or purple color once you lift pressure. Spider veins can occur anywhere in the body, but the ones on the face often cause the most issues for people.

What Causes Spider Veins?

There's no definitive cause for spider veins in the face. However, there are many theories as to why they occur. Common factors include conditions like rosacea, extreme heat or cold exposure and hormonal changes. Spider veins also develop with serious diseases, such as cirrhosis or lupus. Some people also have hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias, a condition that causes the blood vessels to open for no apparent reason.

Other risk factors could come into play. For example, spider veins are common in obese individuals. The same goes for those with hypertension. Spider veins can also develop if you rub on your skin too hard and physically damage the vessels.

Fortunately, spider veins are relatively easy to address. When you get spider veins treatment in Bay Area cosmetic surgeon clinics, a doctor can examine the issues closely to determine the best approach. The most common treatment is an injection. Doctors can inject a solution into the veins to collapse them, resulting in significant improvements and fading.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about dermatology and Mohs Surgery. She advises people on the highest quality of exceptional medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatologic care. You can find her thoughts at cosmetic treatments blog.

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