Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How to Increase Your Company's NPS Score

Businesses use several metrics to understand what customers think about the company. However, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most popular. NPS is a common metric used to understand the customer experience. It's a measure of customer loyalty, ranging from -100 to 100.

Generally, anything above zero is "good." However, businesses should always aim to maximize their NPS.

A higher NPS can lead to great success. But how can you improve your NPS?

Get as Much Feedback as Possible

The key to increasing your NPS is to gather feedback. Make customer surveys a part of your business culture. You want to accept input from your customers as much as possible, even if it's negative.

Understanding where your customers are now can help you create plans for improvement. Feedback is integral in helping you meet customer needs, identify growth opportunities, improve your products and more.

Getting people to leave feedback can be a challenge in itself. Provide incentives and acknowledge that your customer's input matters.

Understand What Drives Your NPS Score

Once you gather feedback, you can separate your customer base into detractors and promoters. The former are people who aren't happy with your product or service, while the latter are those who are. This segmentation can help you manage your NPS and take steps to turn detractors into promoters.

To do that, you must understand what's driving both segments. Understand what it is that promoters love. Use that to improve things further and maximize the benefits people have to gain from your company. Then, determine what it is that detractors aren't loving.

Gather open feedback to narrow down the common pain points they're experiencing. Then, take action to address them.

Make Improvements from the Top Down

To improve your NPS, you need to adopt a culture of change. Share insights from the top down and champion improvements across your entire company. Provide training where necessary and educate your employees on improving your NPS.

Change is a group effort, not a lone or one-off endeavor. To truly improve your NPS, you must have buy-in throughout your company.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about AI-powered survey platform for SaaS and mobile apps services. You can find her thoughts at CES surveys blog.

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