Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


3 Best Things About QuickBooks

QuickBooks, first introduced in the early 1980s, is a small-business software product designed exclusively for accounting. It combines several features that let small business owners handle basic business accounting tasks like invoice creation, expense tracking and cash flow monitoring.

Although QuickBooks faces more competition today in the accounting software space, it is still considered one of the leading solutions for small- and medium-sized businesses in a variety of industries. Below are three reasons why QuickBooks remains the go-to solution for small businesses:

1. QuickBooks API Integrations

QuickBooks offers an application programming interface (API) that can be used by developers to allow software to talk to QuickBooks. A QuickBooks integration API can be used to accept payments on a website or facilitate the capture of certain data from sources outside of QuickBooks directly. Once data is captured, the QuickBooks integration API can then store and catalog the data within QuickBooks for small business owners to recall in the future.

2. Expense Tracking

Tracking expenses is one of the most crucial aspects of running a small business. The ability to visualize cash flow and separate expense categories allows small business owners to see where expenses may be able to be cut or where shortfalls are occurring.

QuickBooks includes the ability to log and track expenses, and business owners can also use QuickBooks to separate expenses into categories to see where most spending takes place. This provides opportunities to streamline expenses and can ultimately save business owners money.

3. Report Exporting

Although QuickBooks does a great job at sorting data, all of that data does no good unless it can be shared with others. Business owners who use QuickBooks can export data in several ways, including by creating customized reports.

These reports can then be analyzed internally or sent to business partners or customers for review. The ability to export custom reports from QuickBooks also opens up more possibilities for efficiency optimization since business owners can collate large amounts of data from disparate sources into easy-to-read reports.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about integrating the API and related platforms services. You can find her thoughts at data integration blog.

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