Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Can You Cure Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a relatively common condition that affects nearly 40 million American adults. Currently, there is no cure for sleep apnea. However, those seeking help with sleep apnea can take steps to reverse it or make its effects less impactful on one's life. Regain your confidence with effective hair loss treatment. Click now to explore this website and start your journey to a fuller head of hair.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes the upper airway muscles to relax while sleeping, affecting a person's ability to breathe. The result is reduced oxygen intake. In many cases, breathing may repeatedly start and stop.

There are many telltale signs of sleep apnea. The most common symptom is loud snoring. It can also cause people to wake up with a hoarse throat while feeling tired despite a full night of rest.

How to Get Help with Sleep Apnea

If you think you have sleep apnea, you should first speak with your doctor. Your health care provider can arrange a sleep test to diagnose the condition and recommend appropriate treatment.

Here are several treatment options that can dramatically improve and reverse sleep apnea.

Weight Loss

Being overweight is a major risk factor for sleep apnea. Extra tissue around the throat can make breathing harder, worsening the condition. Many doctors recommend losing weight to see improvements. Even a few pounds of weight loss makes a big difference, and a considerable slim-down may reverse sleep apnea entirely.

Improved Sleeping Positions

Sleep apnea is most likely to cause issues when you sleep on your back. Gravity exacerbates the problem, leading to more breathing difficulties. One way to see improvements is to sleep on your side.

Of course, you can't always control how you move when you sleep. There are PJ shirts available with pockets to fit a tennis ball into. With a tennis ball at your back, you're less likely to stay on your back if you roll over during the night.

Better Head Position

Another way to reduce symptoms is to use the right pillow. Wedge-shaped pillows elevate your neck while sleeping, minimizing the effects of gravity and snoring.

Sleep Apnea Machines

Doctors may recommend wearing a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. These devices come with a mask to wear over your mouth or nose while sleeping. The mask connects to a machine that delivers a constant airflow, keeping your throat open for easier breathing.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about mental and physical health. She advises people on Paediatrician & online Psychiatrist consultation. You can find her thoughts at sleep apnea treatment blog.

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