Emily Clarke

ADDRESS : California, Bell Gardens, CA 90202


How Much is an Ambulance Ride Bill in Australia?

Getting a ride in an ambulance can mean the difference between life and death. These emergency services save countless lives yearly, transporting people to the nearest hospital after an injury or medical episode. Ambulances will assist you when you can't drive or need to get to a hospital as quickly as possible. Get immediate payment assistance for emergencies! Visit this website now to explore options and get the help you need.

However, they do come with costs. Australians who are unfortunate enough to need an ambulance ride often get sticker shock when they receive their bill. Payment assistance for emergencies is available, and you should never sacrifice your health and safety to save money. But being aware of the costs involved can help you plan for the worst-case scenario.

Here's a quick breakdown of how much it costs to ride an ambulance in Australia.

Queensland and Tasmania

If you live in Queensland or Tasmania, you're in luck. Ambulance rides are free for residents of these Australian states. The state governments cover the costs for residents only. Therefore, residents from other states will need to pay.

Tasmania has a reciprocal agreement with all other states except South Australia. Meanwhile, Queensland has agreements with all states. That means the Queensland government will pay for ambulance rides whether they're in their home state or not.

New South Wales

New South Wales offers free ambulance rides for some residents. For example, holders of a Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, Gold Card and White Card won't have to pay anything. Everyone else must pay a flat call-out fee plus a per-kilometre fee.

The emergency call-out fee is $407, and the cost per kilometre is $3.67. Fortunately, the bill caps out at $6,668.

South Australia

People in South Australia must pay $1,064 for emergency call-outs plus $6.10 per kilometre. This billing structure adds up quickly. Luckily, residents can get payment assistance for emergencies if necessary.

Western Australia

Emergency ambulance rides in Western Australia cost $1,133. There is no per-kilometre rate, but the fees can vary based on urgency. Emergency rides are the most expensive.

Northern Territory

Ambulance rides for residents of the Northern Territory will cost $815 for the initial call-out and $5.25 per kilometre afterward. There are ways to avoid the fee with private health funds or membership to St. John Ambulance.


In Victoria, the amount residents pay depends on the type of road the ambulance has to travel. Emergencies on metropolitan roads cost $1,284 for a call-out. Meanwhile, emergencies on regional or rural roads cost $1,894.

Author Resource:-

Emily Clarke writes about cash advances, overdraft protection & finance apps. You can find her thoughts at small cash advance blog.

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