Jeson Clarke

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Why Sod is Better Than Seeding

Getting a brand-new lawn comes with many important decisions. What type of grass should you get? How much will you maintain the lawn once it's in? While those are all vital questions to ask, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether you should get sod or seed.

Ask any professional landscaper, and they'll tell you that sod is the way to go. Here's why.

Long-Term Costs Savings

The total Mobile AL sod cost is indeed higher than the cost to buy seeds. That's one of the biggest reasons why homeowners consider seeding. But it's important to think about the long-term cost savings. When you do, you'll quickly realize that sod is the more economical choice.

Seeding requires far more attention. You must be meticulous about watering and maintaining it, especially during the first several months. There's a higher risk of seed failure, and that opens the floodgates for pests, weeds and disease. Before you know it, you're spending hours on your lawn while paying a fortune for herbicides, pesticides, fertilization and more. Transform your lawn with premium sod at unbeatable prices! Discover Mobile AL sod costs and elevate your landscape today.

Sod doesn't come with those issues. Establishing and keeping it healthy is easy, saving you money over the long haul. Suddenly, footing the bill and covering the total Mobile AL sod cost doesn't seem so bad!

Instant Results

Do you have up to three months to wait for your grass seeds to grow? During that time, you can't use your lawn at all. Otherwise, you'll damage the delicate seedlings.

Sod also needs some time to establish as those roots grow into the soil. But that only takes around three weeks. Furthermore, you won't have to deal with a bare lawn! Once the sod is down, it looks great.


Another thing to consider is when you can put in sod or start seeding. Seeds can only flourish during the peak growing season. Thus, you must be strategic about when you start seeding. You must account for growing conditions and the time it takes to establish.

With sod, you can install it at any point during the growing season. It's already mature and will root faster.

Weed Control

No one likes to deal with weeds. When you use grass seeds, they can become a persistent headache. Weather and soil erosion will introduce weeds into your lawn.

Sod provides a natural barrier against weeds from day one. Some varieties are even weed-resistant, putting those hours of pulling weeds in your past!

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke advises people about sod installation cost estimate for your project. You can find his thoughts at grass calculator blog.

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