Alester Brown

ADDRESS : California, US, Schenectady, NY 12345


Can You Prevent PCOS Weight Gain?

Weight gain from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common and frustrating side effects of the condition. Because PCOS disrupts hormones and the endocrine system, insulin is not always processed properly in a woman affected by PCOS. This can lead to weight gain, and stress eating can also be a reason for weight gain from polycystic ovary syndrome.

See Your Doctor First

If you're interested in preventing weight gain due to PCOS, your first stop should be your doctor. While there are things you can do to reduce the chances of PCOS causing weight gain, you need to discuss your plans and any medications or supplements you take with your doctor first. They will be able to make recommendations based on your medical history and any unique healthcare needs you have.

Get Regular Exercise

After clearing your plans with your doctor, you will likely want to introduce regular exercise into your daily routine. Even taking a brisk walk a few times a day is a good way to prevent weight gain from PCOS. Because PCOS involves hormones, you may need a specialized exercise routine to lose weight, but regular exercise should help prevent weight gain as well.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet can also help to prevent weight gain in women with PCOS. As mentioned above, stress eating can be a problem when suffering from a condition like PCOS, and it can be easy to start snacking all the time or eating greasy, fatty foods. Unfortunately, these are the types of foods that compound the problem of weight gain for women with PCOS.

Instead, follow your doctor's guidance. Try to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet and avoid processed and sugary foods. Your doctor may also recommend limiting salt and only eating lean meats. Drinking plenty of water each day has also been shown to help prevent weight gain when combined with an active lifestyle.

Disclaimer: The above is intended for informational purposes only. Speak with your physician for questions about PCOS and weight gain.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown is a certified PCOS specialist. She advises people on personalized women's healthcare and skin treatment at home. You can find her thoughts at PCOS testing blog.

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