1111 57th street, Brooklyn, NY 11219
PHONE NUMBER : 718-484-8699
LiceBGoners is a unique, friendly team of women, trained for removing lice and nits safely and effectively. Yours is not an isolated case; we have treated hundreds of people just like you and have ridden them of this problem. If you would like to be rid of your lice, e-mail us now or call us directly at 718-484-8699 . We'll be there quickly, ready to take care of everything while you go on with your own business.
Personal Care & Services - Family Services & Care
Personal Care & Services - Personal Care
Health & Wellness - Health
Health & Wellness - Wellness
Health & Wellness - Alternative Medicine
The Purpose of Head Lice: One little client I had, asked me, why did G-d have to make the...
It's amusing to see how teachers & students start itching there heads automatically, when I...
Head lice only feed off of a human scalp. Head Lice do not lay there nits(eggs), any where els...
Head lice only feed off of a human scalp. Head Lice do not lay there nits(eggs), any where els...
Head Lice Information: Over the last 20 years, I have learnt how lice think, socialize and th...
Get rid of lice fast:Licebgoners offers a in home lice treatment option. If you can't come to our l...
In home lice treatment; Your at work and you just got a call from the school nurse that your ...