What kind of sheep are your customers?

Recently we spoke about how you can make business fun and it appears that many people like this subject. While running a business, you face different types of people and situations which can sometimes be no fun! Dealing with all fo the types of customers reminds me of an old joke about a shepherd and a TV reporter who came to visit him and asked:

- Hello mister shepherd. Nice sheeps!

- Thank you, mister stick with cord!

- They look good! Which one is good for milk?

- The white sheeps!

- What about the black sheeps?

- They are good for milk, too!

- And the wool, Which one is good for wool?

- The white sheeps!

- What about the black sheeps?

- They are good for wool, too!

- And for the meat?

- The white sheeps!

- What about the black sheeps?

- They are good for meat, too!

- Well, you allways speak first about the white sheeps. Why?

- Well, the white sheeps are mine.

- What about the black sheeps?

- They are mine, too!

Point of this joke is that you have different types of customers, good customers and no so good customers too, yet they are all your customers.They all matter so try to realize they are different adn anticipate theri diffrences, it will help you enjoy the ride. Hold on to them for as long as you possibly can!