Two Interesting Facts About Halloween, Eggy-Style

Happy Halloween From EggZack! To celebrate the holiday, we thought we'd share two fun egg-related facts about the holiday with you.

1. Did you know that Google has buried "eggs" in their system for the holiday? That's right, if you do a search for "witch" or "zombie" the information card will include fun and funny facts about the creature, like food source and how to avoid them. Here's the best list we've found for all the hidden "eggs" on Google for the holiday.

2. Throwing eggs and other "tricks" actually is a very old tradition, dating back to the late 1800s. Known as "Mischief Night" the night was generally celebrated Oct. 30, the night before Halloween. The idea of giving out candy actually comes from the combination of the two nights, to try and dissuade revelers from egging your house or papering your yard.

Have a happy and safe Halloween, from everyone at EggZack!